Tuesday, November 8, 2011

I regularly import data from another program with part numbers =
identified in coloum A as:
R/VOL/3699 etc.

Is there a way of interogating the full part number and displaying only =
the middle three letters and the last digits with out the / between

Thanks in anticipation


Hi team..pls help me here.

I have an excel sheet with cells having text as shown below:

[India]Delhi is the capital of India.[USA]Washington is the capital of USA.[China]Beijing is the capital of China.[Singapore]Singapore is the capital of Singapore.

This complete text is in one single cell. Similar text is in other cells.

I want to segregate these contents into separate columns so that:

[India]Delhi is the capital of India ->  goes into one column

[USA]Washington is the capital of USA -> goes into another column.. and so on....

I have a long column of numerical data with occassional random
occurences of text in a cell, like so:


I want to replace every occurrence of "NAM" (always the same text)
with the contents of the cell immediately above.
In the example above I want to replace NAM with 57.

4) Define a name "Database" for the range A1:G6 on Sheet1. You can use absolute references for this.

5) Define a name "OneDown" which refers to the cell immediately below you

6) Define a name "SurroundMinimum" which will give you the minumum *value* of the cells which are OneUp, OneDown, OneLeft, and OneRight. It might help to first define names for all of the above.

7) Define a name "SurroundMinimum" which will give you the *cell reference* of the cell with the minumum value of the cells which are OneUp, OneDown, OneLeft, and OneRight. What I mean by cell reference is that it is the actual cell, such that e.g. if I call the Row() function on it, it will tell me which row it is in.

8) Put the value "hello there how are you doing" in a cell. For the cell formatting, make it bold, red, with a Red Accent 2 fill, with wrap text enabled.

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